Red tape reduction
The Italian Government, as part of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNNR), has implemented iniatives aimed at simplifying and facilitating the establishment of new economic activities in Italy, the development of investment programs by reducing times and costs of administrative procedures, the increase and qualification of employment.
As an integral part of the Plan, Italy is undergoing 63 significant structural reforms to streamline bureaucracy, enhance the business environment and ensure transparency. Some of these reforms are pivotal, creating an investor-friendly atmosphere and ensuring a seamless experience for businesses looking to thrive into the Italian market.
Three types of reforms are envisaged: horizontal reforms, enabling reforms and sectoral reforms.
- Our NRRP
- The NRRP Reforms - Italia Domani

Simplification of rules and procedures (reducing overall times) and reduction of the bureaucratic burdens on businesses, through a set of regulatory, administrative, organisational and technological interventions (digitalisation).
In parallel, also on the front of public support for investments, a coherent package of incentive tools has been created (grants, soft loans, tax credits) aimed at encouraging:
- the creation of new companies
- the development of investment programmes
- the strengthening and securing of strategic supply chains, innovation research and experimental development
- the protection of brands and patents created on the national territory
- the hiring of new staff

Interventions to simplify and speed up administrative procedures and permits concerning:
- settlement procedures in Italy: creation and start-up of business activities (from large multinational groups to innovative startups)
- the implementation of unique and rapid administrative procedures, for the authorisation of investment programs and the obtaining of the necessary permits
The Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy can exercise substitutive powers in the face of administrative inertia and supports the competent Commissioner for the implementation of foreign investment programs of national strategic interest.
For more information 
visit the dedicated website

What we do for you
The National Unit for Investment Attraction (One Stop Shop) plays the role of mediator and supports the investor in order to facilitate and speed up the dialogue and interaction with:
- Central and Local Administrations,
- Bodies responsible for permits,
- Service companies functional to the implementation of investment projects (e.g. Utilities).
In parallel, our team supports the investor in creating connections with the supply chain players and with the innovation eco-system (Research Centres, Universities...) in order to create synergies and partnerships.