Labour law and immigration

Labour law and immigration

Working in Italy

Working in Italy

In Italy Labor Law undergoes constant evolution to promote both socio-economic advancement and competitive edge. National collective agreements (NCAs) play a significant role alongside sector-specific regulations. These agreements, signed between the most representative trade unions and employers' associations, regulate both the relationship and the economic aspects of employment.

Hiring in Italy

Hiring in Italy

In Italy, individuals can work as self-employed workers (lavoratori autonomi), collaborators (collaboratori), or employees (lavoratori dipendenti). Certain specific provisions governing the relationship between employers and employees are:

  • Employment contracts: Most contracts are formalised in writing, typically in the form of a letter of employment from the employer referencing the applicable national collective agreement
  • Recruitment information requirements: All employers are required to electronically submit mandatory notifications of recruitment, conversion, and dismissal to the Ministry of Labour or regional employment service portals

Visa and Work Permits

The Government determines every year quotas of extra-EU citizens allowed to enter Italy.

In this section, some types of visas and permits to stay and work in our Country:

Manager/Highly Specialised Employee Work Permit (extra annual quotas)

Manager/Highly Specialised Employee Work Permit (extra annual quotas set by the Italian Government):

  • For managers or highly qualified employees on temporary assignment from foreign companies with a branch in Italy
  • Valid for up to 5 years. Local hiring is possible after the initial assignment, but the work permit holder has no right to temporarily work in another company of the same group established in another EU country

Intra Company Transfer Work Permit - ICT (extra annual quotas)

Intra Company Transfer Work Permit - ICT (extra annual quotas set by the Italian Government): 

  • For managers, specialised professionals and interns on temporary assignment from foreign companies with a branch in Italy
  • Valid for up to 3 years. EU Intra-company transfers within the same corporate group are permitted

Work Permit for foreign workers who have been employed for at least 12 months by a company operating in non-EU countries (extra annual quotas)

Work Permit for foreign workers who have been employed for at least 12 months by a company operating in non-EU countries (extra annual quotas set by the Italian Government): 


  • For non-EU workers required for hiring purpose by a company based in Italy and operating in non-EU countries
  • Workers - who will be hired at the offices of that company in Italy - must have been employed for at least 12 months (within the 48 months before the request) at the offices operating abroad

Self-Employment Work Permit (intra annual quotas)

Self-Employment Work Permit (intra annual quotas set by the Italian Government):

  • For extra-EU citizens wishing to take up an industrial, professional, craft or commercial activity in Italy, on submission of the mandatory documentation required by law to assess possession of the requirements to carry out the activity
  • The business project must involve a minimum investment of €500,000 and the creation of at least 3 jobs. The applicant must have an entrepreneurial background

Self-Employment Work Permit (extra annual quotas)

Self-Employment Work Permit (extra annual quotas set by the Italian Government):

  • For extra-EU citizens on temporary assignment to foreign companies with a branch in Italy and holding corporate positions (Chairman, C.E.O., Member of the Board of Directors, Auditor)

Residence permit for digital nomads (extra annual quotas)

Residence permit for digital nomads (extra annual quotas set by the Italian Government)

  • For citizens of extra-EU countries who carry out a highly qualified work activity with the use of technological tools allowing them to work remotely, both as a worker self-employed or for a company even if not resident in Italy
  • To enter Italy is necessary documentation related to proof of employment, income, accommodation, health insurance; the permit will be valid for a period not exceeding 1 year and can be renewed annually, provided that the requirements are met.

EU Blue Card and VISA

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