Microelectronics & Semiconductors
Italy is highly committed to strengthen and reaffirm its strategic role as a prominent European hub for microelectronics and semiconductors technologies. The European Union Chips Act is mobilising a significant amount of resources to increase chip research, production capacity and international cooperation: Italy stands at the forefront of shaping the future European microelectronics industry, thanks to its large industrial and innovation ecosystem.
Strong Italian commitment to support growth and innovation
In order to reinforce the entire Microelectronics & Semiconductors value chain, Italy launched a series of initiatives to attract international players active in the sector. Through these measures, Italy is laying the ground for the creation of a global hub dedicated to research, development, and production in the microelectronics field.
National multi-billion Fund dedicated to Microelectronics
In 2022, Italy launched the Chips Fund, a multibillion-euro national fund aimed at supporting industrial and research activities in the semiconductor sector.
National Plan on Microelectronics
Italy is implementing the National Chips Act, that includes a series of measures dedicated to strengthening the Italian chip ecosystem, such as education and training, R&D activities, and reducing bureaucracy.
The Italian Centre for the design of semiconductor integrated circuits
A € 225 mln investment plan is being implemented to establish the Italian Center for the Design of Semiconductor Integrated Circuits in Pavia (Lombardy). The Center launched in November 2023 is under the supervision of the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy and promotes design and development of integrated circuits, enhances professional training in the microelectronics industry, and serves as a network of universities, research centers as well as firms dedicated to innovation and technology transfer.
The Italian commitment to the IPCEI on microelectronics
The Italian strategic contribution to the EU’s commitment to reinforce the microelectronics and semiconductors industry is clearly demonstrated through its active involvement in the Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEI). Italy has affirmed its dedication by engaging its companies and research centers in the two rounds of the IPCEI dedicated specifically to microelectronics, with a total allocation of over € 1 billion euros.

2ⁿᵈ in the EU by number of companies
Italy's microelectronics and semiconductor industry is a vibrant ecosystem of enterprises engaged in both manufacturing and cutting-edge research activities. The Italian microelectronics industrial base is critical for key technology-leading industries such as ICT, automotive, robotics, mechatronics and energy. Italy stands out as one of Europe's leading countries in terms of the number of enterprises specialised in electronic components and boards, reflecting its pivotal role in shaping the continent's technological future.
Source: Eurostat (2022).
+57% export value growth of semiconductor devices
The Italian industry is highly export-oriented, thanks to its strategic geographical location, access to the European market, and a first-class manufacturing base. This is reflected in the export value growth of semiconductors devices (e.g. diodes, transistors and similar devices) that increased 57% in the past five years, more than other major European economies with significant semiconductor industries.
Source: International Trade Centre (2018-2022).

€ 1.2 BLN of R&D investments in microelectronics
The Italian R&D investments in the field of electronics amounted to ~ 1.2 billion euros confirming its status as a dynamic key hub in Europe to conduct research activities. This investment is carried out by domestic and international companies that leverage the unique skills of Italian engineers and research centres.
Fonte: Istat (2021).

Highly specialised research centres in the field of Microelectronics
Italy is home to an outstanding research, development and innovation ecosystem characterised by the presence and activities of world-class institutes, laying the ground for breakthrough innovations in the microelectronics industry. In particular, the CNR (National Research Council) – the largest public research institution in Italy – includes at least five research centres specialised in microelectronics-related domains, such as innovative materials, nanotechnology, telecommunication, photonics and optoelectronics.
Join the Italian Microelectronics & Semiconductors industry
Firms such as STMicroelectronics, GlobalWafers, Vishay, SONY, ASM, and Infineon have already been investing in the Italian Microelectronics and Semiconductors industry. Italy offers thrilling business opportunities for a wide range of industry players.