What is the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan?

In 2021 Italy adopted the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (2021-2026), the largest and most ambitious national plan at European level in the context of the NextGenerationEU programme. 

The Plan redefines Italy’s future by investing in cutting-edge research and development, fostering production capacity in strategic value chains and enhancing education, health systems and infrastructure.

Investments: Fueling Growth

The Plan will invest over € 225 BLN in total across 7 key missions between 2021 and 2026.

€ 225 BLN

Total funds

Mission 1


M1 - Digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism

A digital revolution to modernise Italy to achieve efficient Public Administration, a more competitive manufacturing sector and greater investments in tourism and culture. (Italia Domani)

€ 51.08 BLN

Discover more on Mission 1

Mission 2


M2 - Green revolution and ecological transition

Strengthening Italy's green and ecological transition by promoting the circular economy, development of renewable energy sources and more sustainable agriculture. (Italia Domani)

€ 64.69 BLN

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Mission 3


M3 - Infrastructure for sustainable mobility

Transform Italy's transport network to create more modern and sustainable roads, railways, ports and airports. (Italia Domani)

€ 29.80 BLN

Discover more on Mission3

Mission 4


M4 - Education and research

An improved educational system that places young people at the forefront, to equip them with the skills and competencies necessary to meet the challenges of the future. (Italia Domani)

€ 30.09 BLN

Discover more on Mission 4

Mission 5


M5 - Inclusion and cohesion

Investments in the innovation of the labour market, elimination of social, economic and territorial inequalities and support for female entrepreneurship. (Italia Domani)

€ 19.69 BLN

Discover more on Mission 5

Mission 6


M6 - Health

Investments in the National Health System to make facilities more modern, guarantee fair access to treatment and promote research. (Italia Domani)

€ 18.51 BLN

Discover more on Mission 6

Mission 7


M7 - RePowerEU

Strengthen energy distribution networks, increase energy efficiency and boost production of renewable sources. (Italia Domani)

€ 11.18 BLN

Discover more on Mission 7

Structural Reforms: Shaping the Future

These reforms are pivotal, creating an investor-friendly economy and ensuring a seamless experience for businesses looking to thrive into the Italian market.

Three types of reforms are envisaged: horizontal reforms, enabling reforms and sectoral reforms. Some examples below:

Examples of reforms

For more details visit Italia Domani, the dedicated portal for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan




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